13thBEACH (video) 2019
Swan Bay (video) 2019
BACK AND FORTH (video) 2018
TIME TO GO, (video) 2017
NICE PLACE (video) 2017
Landscape Paintings – Avoca, postcards, 2014
OMG (orange, magenta, green) Wave Drawing, (artist book), 2014.
BBKO (blue, blue, black, orange) Wall Drawing, (artist book), 2014.
Material, artist page ed. John Nixon and Danny Lacy 2014.
Field Drawing #1 film, install at GoMA, 2014
Landscape Paintings – Lake Bolac to Zagreb, postcards, 2014
Sylvia Plath and the Domestic Sublime (poster design) for Danae Killian, 2013
Marking the Field (video – 20 minutes duration) 2012
Whoosh, (artist book), 2012
Yellows,(artist book), 2012
Wildflower thinking (non-objective wildflowers),(artist book), 2012
Points of Attraction (yellow),(artist book), 2011
Red and Green EP (exponential paths),(artist book), 2011
Red Furl, (artist book), 2011
Single Shelters for the Victorian Volcanic Plains, (artist book), 2011
Volcano Dreaming, flora and fauna of the Victorian Volcanic Plains,Victoria University and EPA with Peter Haffenden
(exhibition printed in multiple copies touring Victoria)
Index No. 1, artist pages, ed. Justin Andrews, 2010.
Field Drawing # 1(artist book), 2008.
Blue Drawing # 1(artist book), 2007.
Blue Wall Drawing,exhibition catalogue and text, Anna Schwartz Gallery 2007.
Pobblebonk – Animals of the Maribyrnong River Estuary,Melbourne’s Living Museum of the West, 2005.
STORE 5 is, exhibition catalogue, artist statement, Anna Schwartz Gallery, ed. Deborah Hennessy, 2005.
PICNIC, exhibition catalogue, ed. Kerrie Poliness, Melbourne’s Living Museum of the West Inc., 2003.
Annex No1. artist pages, ed. Stephen Bram, 2003.
RUBIK 13, book, artist pages, ed. James Lynch, Melbourne 2001.
The Top Factory CD Rom, designed and ed. with Melbourne’s Living Museum of the West, 1998.
Material, artist page ed. John Nixon 1998.
Circular 6, (Croatian / Australian edition) ed. With Branka Stipancic, August 1997.
Black O Wall Drawings1-6, 1997.
Pioneer Women’s Shelter, A5 Booklet (ed. with Joan Carstairs), St Albans History Society/ Melbourne’s Living Museum of the West 1996.
Black O, Wall Drawing Instruction Book1996.
STILL HERE VIDEO, (co-produced with Nigel D Fewkes and Larry Walsh), Melbourne’s Living Museum of the West, 1996.
STILL HERE, exhibition catalogue (co-author Larry Walsh), Melbourne’s Living Museum of the West, 1996.
Favourite Objects/History of the Soul, exhibition catalogue (ed. with Peter Faber), Melbourne’s Living Museum of the West, 1995.
Red Matter Wall Drawing Instruction Books; #1, #2, #3 & #4 1994-5.
Circular 4, March 1995 (ed. with Marco Fusinato & Janet Shanks).
RIP 1, Video (ed 1994) for Loop collection (ed. Callum Morton) for ArtRage Compilation, ABC 1995 (ed. Kim Machan).
Circular 3, April 1994 (ed. with Marco Fusinato).
Bond Store, Hobart, catalogue (ed. with S. Cramer, M. Fusinato, M. Harper, G. Wilson) 1993.
Circular 2, October 1993.(ed. with Marco Fusinato).
Red Matter (Print Portfolio), 1993.
Circular 1, May 1993 (collection of poetry co-edited with Marco Fusinato).
Pavilion 1(artist book), 1993.
Caboose 2, 1992. (Print Portfolio co-ed with Gary Wilson).
Red Matter1 (artist book), 1992.
Rosebud2, (ed. Gary Wilson) 1992.
Deakin University, exhibition catalogue, with Ben Curnow,1991.
Kerb Your Dog, No.15, (ed. by John Nixon) 1991.
Rosebud1, (ed. Gary Wilson) 1991 (artist page).
Pataphysics5, 1991 (artist page).
PataphysicsD/E, 1989 (artist page).